DAD and Little man

DAD and Little man
Well of course Andrew is still the WORLDS BEST DAD!!! Dylan loves him more than anything. He screams dadada at the top of his lungs even if he isnt home.. He is getting so big he is now dads little man and not mommys baby boy(at least he thinks) He grows an inch every day.. and is nothing but smiles.. We are just sitting here waiting for dad to get home which should be any minute.. I will add lots of pics later ttfn

Andrew, Sammy, and Dylan

Andrew, Sammy, and Dylan

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Wedding!!!

A dream come true.. Who would have thought 2 people could fall in love so fast.. Andrew is my life, my world, my everything. I could have never asked for anybody so perfect for me. He is my knight in shining armor. I am so glad that we found each other now and have the rest of our lives together to get to know each other and also get on each others nerves. :) Notice he has a fork trust must have been an issue lol.. I do it the old fashioned way

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